Sporting Events Photography
Sports events can be a place of drama, excitement and emotion. Where you will find some great photography opportunities!
Sports events are ideal for photographers – with drama and excitement going on there are plenty of opportunities to find those photographs which are packed full of emotion, drama and the atmosphere.
But……sports photography isn’t easy! It has such fast-paced action, capturing that image can come and go in an instant, and with subjects moving around so quickly, it is sometimes difficult to keep up. This means that you have to really be on the ball, taking in your surroundings and looking for potential shots before they arise.
To help give yourself the best chance of getting some great photographs, you will need to be prepared ensuring you can stay ahead of the action and come away with some excellent photographs.
If you are photographing a sport that you are unfamiliar with, take some time to learn at least the basic rules. You will then have a better chance of predicting where the players will move next. This helps you to stay ahead of the game therefore you can plan your shots a bit further ahead of the action.
You can find that many of the best shots get right up close to the players, showing their determination, the sweat on their brow and the mud on their clothes.
Arriving early to the venue will give yourself a good spot close to the action. Use a long lens so that you can zoom right in on your subject.
Remember….before the event even starts, take some test shots of people such as officials or staff, to help you get an idea of how your shots will turn out.
Timing an individual shot is next to impossible when you have such fast-moving action, so shoot in bursts. Start shooting just before the anticipated ‘crucial’ moment and keep your finger on the shutter button until the moment has passed.
While on the subject of equipment setup, it’s worth bearing in mind that sports events can last a very long time, so using a tripod or monopod can save your arms some serious aching!
A large part of the atmosphere at sporting events is down to the crowd. It’s a great idea to spin around and take shots of the crowd enjoying the event. This can bring those looking through your images a sense that you were able to not only capture the sport being played, but the actual event in all its glory!
You can get some fantastic sports event photos at times when there isn’t even any on-pitch action taking place.
Before the match try to capture the sense of the build up and anticipation. You could capture the team members warming up, officials setting out equipment or the staff giving the pitch a final check.
After the game see if you can find a way to photograph the joy of the winning side or the disappointment of the losing team. Capturing discarded team flags or a supporter left on their own within an empty stadium are perfect ways to portray the after effects of a sporting event.
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