Back at the Turf
Back at Turf Moor!
It was great to be back in action taking Match Day Photographs of the game between Burnley Football Club and Manchester United. On these days I take a number of shots throughout the morning and afternoon, leading up to the game, during the game and then after, all aimed at producing those shots which can be used in the match day programs, as gifts to those who are the match day sponsors and also the mascots for the day.
I enjoy this type of photography and it continually challenges the skills I have picked up throughout the years, as you are going from different situations and different conditions.
To give you a little idea of what the day consists of for me I have put together a little schedule together for you.
The day starts with…..
- Photographs of the ground tour which is normally lead by a Burnley legend of the past, showing guests around the facilities, learning the history of Burnley Football club and taking photographs, before they are lead back to have something to eat.
You then move onto…
- Photographs of the match day sponsors. These shots are taken alongside current players and the referees on pitch side. You often find that children accompanying their parents are very excited at this point, meeting their hero’s…and some adults also get very excited!
- As you move towards kick off, photographs are taken as the two teams leading out of the tunnel towards the centre circle where more photographs are taken.
- The referees, captains and match day sponsors are lined up on the centre spot just before kick off and the final photographs is taken.
At half time…
- The half time draw is captured.
After the game…
- More photographs are taken with the Man of the Match along with the match day sponsors and other guests.
Then the day is finished!
This gives you a little insight of what is required on the match days I do at Burnley. Even though I am there to do a job, it is still fun being around the place, with friendly staff and players, it is a great place to capture photographs. Be sure to look out in the future as I have the Burnley FC vs Manchester City game booked in and possible further games down the line.
Check out the Portfolio part to my website for just a few of the shots which were taken on the day www.tailoredimagephotography.co.uk but it gives you a good idea of what I do! And while you at it why don’t you check out the Burnley Football Club website, as if you don’t already go, you maybe tempted by the chance to watch Premier League football at Turf Moor! http://www.burnleyfootballclub.com You will have the chance to watch the mighty Clarets compete against the very best teams and players from around the England.
Keep an eye out for further blogs on games I have coming up and be sure to check out the portfolio!
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